In this episode, I am fresh off an argument with my beloved husband and feeling all the feels- upset and grateful, frustrated and peaceful, sad and happy, annoyed and in love ALL AT ONCE. And that’s exactly what we’re diving into in this episode- the reality that life on earth is a living breathing paradox and the very things that makes this life worth living is the fact that we can’t escape the paradox.
In a world where we’ve been conditioned into believing we’re better off complying to separatism and compartmentalization, could it be the very thing that brings us back to life and gifts us the FREEDOM we’ve been searching for is actually by releasing our obsession with the words either/or and embracing the words both/and.
I share stories about how I’ve currently been swimming in the waters of paradoxical living along with offerings on how we can really learn to embody this even more in our everyday lives. We close with a simple, yet powerful affirmation coupled with somatics in order to really activate this energy within us.
I shared this concept in the Weekly Attunement this week, so you have the perfect playlist to accompany this energy.
Sending loads of love!
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