travel… go
make the call… reach out
visit a loved one… show up
follow your dreams… take a leap
be kind… open your heart
explore… take a step
change… simply begin
be healthy… nourish yourself
move… honor your truth
rest… take a break
heal… love yourself whole
forgive… release
“The trouble is you think you have time.” -Buddha
I cannot stress enough: stop waiting. For the conditions to be “right,” to have the “perfect” partner, to have the “correct” number in your bank account… whatever it is you’ve been waiting on… don’t.
Of course there is a fine line between waiting and being patient. Between being impulsive and thoughtful. But I am channeling this message right now for whomever is reading it and it is coming through pretty intensely. It feels loving, but really powerful all at once. This isn’t a gentle nudge… this is a message of urgency and I am told you will know exactly what this is regarding in your own life if you’re reading this.
There is something you are waiting around for and the Universe wants you to know, nothing actually happens from waiting. I am certainly not suggesting for us all to take a wild leap of faith and blow all of our savings and hope for the best… but I am suggesting that we stop waiting on someone else to make the move, for someone to sweep in and save us, for us to wake up and win the lottery. We create so much magnetic energy when we take action in our lives- specifically when we stop waiting and begin doing.
One thing I think we can all agree on is that no one waits for us, life doesn’t wait for us… so I’m wondering what this life would look and feel like this week if we, too, stopped waiting. Where ever you have been in the motion of twiddling your thumbs and saying “when the timing is right…” is exactly where God is inviting you to create motion in the ocean of your life.
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” -Mark Twain
I will be diving into this subject in a much deeper way on the pod this week- I’m feeling especially jazzed to speak on this in relation to motherhood- but for now, here’s a playlist to get us in the frequency of not waiting. *Remember, it’s not a huge leap I’m suggesting, I’m simply saying DON’T WAIT. Before you know it, it will be too late…
I know one thing is for sure, with just about everything in my entire life: if I had waited until I was ready, none of it would’ve ever happened…
Loads of Love,