As per usual, I thought another message was going to be THE message for this week’s channeled energy. In fact, I recorded a podcast episode about it and even started crafting a playlist to help us embody this energy… And as was I creating the playlist, I found myself bawling crying (which if you know me isn’t that surprising).
I felt this overwhelming surge of emotions- I was so deeply sad and crazy ecstatic and grateful all at once. I found myself with my earbuds in, totally jamming out to the upbeat playlist I was crafting and completely stopped in my tracks needing to listen to something more emotional to support the wave of emotions flowing through me.
Quick backstory of what activated this: In December we received the opportunity to move into our dream jungle home. It’s design beautifully supported our family, it was in the village we are so grateful to live in, and it even has a rope swing in the kitchen. What more could we ask for?!? My morning tea-game was massively elevated in this space. We assumed we would be able to stay another year and renew the lease in July. However, there was some miscommunication and long story short, another family paid their deposit without us really knowing that was a possibility and they will be moving in while we move out in July.
So much of the magic of living in Bali has been because of the community we get to live in and if I’m honest, I was devastated to receive this news. Our children are truly living their best lives in this village. All the children here are growing up like a massive family- they treat each other like siblings or cousins. It is seriously the most gorgeous way to live- with children always in and out of our house (especially since we have no doors or walls), with our close neighbors dropping by to share something they baked, and to be able to message the village anytime of day to ask for help, healing herbs, or if they’ll ask Silas if he needs to use the toilet…
All to say, it hit us pretty hard AND at the same time we are in full trust that everything is unfolding exactly as its meant to. We fully understand that things like this are redirections. So I found myself crying so intensely because I was so sad and so grateful at the same time. I was so upset that we would no longer get to live here AND in awe of the mighty workings of the divine for having a plan that will be even more supportive of our journey as a family. I know we will find ourselves in the exact dynamics we’re meant to be in. Sad and trust all at once. Frustration and gratitude at same time. Devastation and excitement in one breath. All of it.

There’s more to the story and so much more I could share on this topic in my life and in accordance to the stars right now- but just know this: The universe is currently reminding us that the actual feeling of being human is all about embracing the paradoxical nature of life on Earth. In order to really enjoy being alive, we must be willing to fully feel the sensation of being alive, which means we must willing to hold two truths at once, we must embrace the full spectrum of being human, we must be willing to swim in all the feels, dive into all the intricacies that make up the truth of who we are, bathe in the dichotomies that make life so interesting and vibrant.
If you are currently holding two truths at the same time, feeling all the feels at once, or feeling pulled in many different directions, you’re not alone… AND you’re also not crazy. You’re having a real deal human experience. You’re alive, honey!
So, here’s to feeling it all- the beauty and the mess, the ache and the awe, exhaustion and inspiration, nostalgia and hope! And y’all- if it ever feels like too much, reach out, use your tools, talk it out, move your body, meditate, journal, have a cup of tea. Take care of yourself. But please… please… do not apologize for feeling it all, for your waves, for BEING human. The earth doesn’t apologize for her constant opposition, the ocean doesn’t apologize for her waves, the moon doesn’t apologize for her phases. Let us become even more inspired by our great teachers and swim in the paradoxical magic of being alive in a human body on planet earth! What a ride.
As always, I’ve included a playlist to support the feeling of feeling it all… the journey of embracing ALL OF IT because it is exactly what we are being called to do right here and now.
Sending so much love and feeling it all right along with ya! Let’s dive into it all TOGETHER.
So so perfectly timed, Alee!!!